The postal code filters allow you to indicate the list of postal codes served by your healthcare facility (the first 3 or 6 letters/digits). Please contact the Technical Support team to activate this option at the following email address: [email protected].

Adding Serviced Postal Codes

  1. In the Settings Menu, Locations tab, click on the pencil icon, then click on add in the "Serviced Postal Codes" section.
  2. You can click on the trash can icon as needed to delete a zip code.
  3. Enter a message that will appear for this location when a client's zip code is not served. If a customer enters a zip code outside of your service territory, the online appointment process will be blocked and this message will appear.
  4. Click on save.
  5. You can also make changes to your postal codes served in bulk. Activate Bulk Editor.
  6. You will then be able to enter your postal codes served separated by commas. Once finished, click on apply.
  7. Click on save.

The postal codes listed must be valid 3 or 6 character postal codes separated by a comma. The list must not end with a comma.

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